Miscellaneous Questions
Below are the answers to your miscellaneous questions about Ace Cookie Tutoring.
If you have a question that's not listed, please click here.

How do I schedule a lesson?
What language will lessons be provided in?
All contractors of Ace Cookie Tutoring are native English speakers.
Unfortunately, we don't have any tutors who know a second language fluently.
Do you offer a referral program?
We’re always on the lookout for new clients.
If you were happy with your tutoring session(s), we’d love it if you’d tell your friends about us.
For each new student who books, completes, and pays for a minimum of two sessions with us (1 hour or more each session), you’ll receive $10 off of a one hour or longer session with a maximum savings of $100.
When your referred friends request a lesson, please ask them to include your name as a referral.
Current students may refer students after successfully completing tutoring with Ace Cookie Tutoring or while currently receiving tutoring.
The Referral Form is available upon request on our "Contact Us" page.
How do I submit a testimonial?
We'd love to share your review with potential clients!
Please find us on Google by searching "Ace Cookie Tutoring" and using your Gmail account, leave a review on Facebook at www.facebook.com/acecookietutoring, or send us your review here and we'll post it on our website.
Note: customers who leave a testimonial will receive a dozen cookies at their next in-person lesson after successfully posting a review on one or more platforms.
What kind of cookies will be given to students?
The founder and CEO's favorite type of cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip, so those or regular chocolate chip cookies will be given to students at in-person lessons except during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If students have dietary restrictions, please let us know ahead of time, and we’ll be sure to provide an alternative option.
What companies is Ace Cookie Tutoring associated with?
Dove Copywriting - Synthia Dove is the president of Dove Copywriting, and an Ace COokie Tutoring contractor. She writes all of ACT's monthly newsletters and assists with our email campaigns. More information about Dove Copywriting can be found here.
Usborne Books & More - Jessyka Coulter, CEO and Founder, is a consultant. UBAM offers great homework supplements and educational workbooks. ACT creates worksheets and activities that compliment UBAM books, and encourages the use of UBAM books during lessons. Students who are too young for school benefit from our partnership because parents can purchase Usborne Books, and Ace Cookie Tutoring can either read the books to students or teach them to read, depending on the level. Interested in purchasing some books? Contact us today!
Cookies by Design - The cookies on this page were created by Cookies by Design. They also make the Gourmet Cookies we at Ace Cookie Tutoring give out as prizes.
Coffee News - Ace Cookie Tutoring advertises in the NE Johnson County and Leawood editions of the Coffee News. Each week, you'll find a new and unique ad.