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Tutoring: How to Transition from Remote Learning to Hybrid Schooling

Writer's picture: Jessyka CoulterJessyka Coulter

Welcome to 2021!

As second semester starts for many schools, a shift in learning style is also happening.

Are you or is your child transitioning from remote or distance or virtual learning to hybrid learning or part-time in-person schooling or blended learning?

As the vaccine becomes available and schools and communities get a better handle on COVID and necessary cleaning and distancing procedures, students are being let back into school buildings.

While this is what many teachers, students, and parents want, the change will require some effort.

Remote learning meant knowing the correct Zoom, WebEx, etc. links and being "in" the right class at the right time with cameras on and fingers ready to type. Hybrid learning, on the other hand, will require taking materials back and forth to school as well as the distance learning requirements of logging into the Zoom, WebEx, etc. links at the right times and accessing online assignments.

Worried? There's no reason to be because I have a Facebook group where I provide education help, including homework assistance and study tips, to students in the third grade and up through adults in graduate school. Join my group by visiting: so your transition, or your child's, is smooth and efficient.

Knowing there will be changes is the first step to succeeding. Remote learning took some adjusting, and hybrid learning is the same way.

One of my local school districts was only hybrid for three weeks last semester, and students' grades during those three weeks weren't the best. Why? A teacher I talked to believed students thought days at home were free days, not work days. Don't let your child fall into that trap.

Even if the teacher isn't actively talking to students in Zoom, WebEx, whatever, there is most likely an electronic assignment posted on Google Classroom or Canvas that was either started in-person and needs to be finished or waiting to be done. Hybrid learning requires a lot of accountability, maybe even more than remote learning because teachers may not touch base with every student every day.

If you're looking for ways to improve student accountability, watch my video, 3 Steps to Successful Student Accountability:

So, what about the days your children are actually in class?

Be prepared for different expectations.

Yes, your child will have the same teacher as last semester if it's a full year course, most likely, unless there was a scheduling change. Even so, where to turn in assignments might be different in the classroom versus when only meeting online. This also goes for asking for help and approaching the teacher with questions.

There is one other possible scenario.

Some schools are treating hybrid learning as one classroom. WHAT?! Yup, the students at home and the students sitting in the classroom receive the same instruction at the same time and work on the same assignments at the same time. This means the teachers are interacting with, assisting, and teaching ALL students, both at-home and in the classroom.

What does this mean for you and your children?

Number one: your child needs to be prepared to login at the designated times. In order to keep class rolling, teachers are not going to be able to wait for remote learners who login late.

Number two: your child needs to have all needed supplies handy. When at home during hybrid learning, like it was with remote learning, it's a smart idea to have everything school related in one place. That way, when the teacher asks the in classroom kids to get our their history books, students at home don't have to go far and possibly miss out on necessary instructions while searching for their history books under their beds.

Number three: student focus is going to be extremely important. Most teachers are going to have to split their attention spans, and students in the classroom will likely take priority as their well being is the teachers' legal requirement while in the school building and on school property.

Hybrid learning is a change from remote learning. Being virtual instead of in-person or brick and mortar was the safe choice for many schools. Yet, students want back into the classrooms, and many communities are accommodating that request.

It will require effort to make the transition smooth, and Ace Cookie Tutoring is here to help. Join my Facebook group, Students Aiming for A's, here: so your semester two starts off successfully, even if you're changing from virtual learning to hybrid learning.

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