Test preparation
Below are the answers to your questions about the tests we tutor students to prepare for.
If you have a question that's not listed, please click here.

Do you tutor the act?
Yes - all four sections.
We specialize in ACT preparation and consider ourselves expert ACT tutors.
CEO & head tutor Jessyka specializes in the Reading & English sections
She earned a 35 in each section and has helped several students increase their section and composite scores.
Contractors specialize in the Math and Science portions online only.
Do you offer ACT prep packages?
Prices are the same as our bundles (30, 10, and 5 lessons)
Students receive free practice tests and personalized study plans are created with each student
What are the act test dates for 2022-2023?
Should I order a tir report?
For $30, we strongly recommend students ordering a TIR in December, April, and/or June
With the TIR, it is possible to determine which types of questions and content your teen is struggling with.
Check out this document from ACT:
To register for the ACT, visit: https://my.act.org/account/signin?location=https://my.act.org
Where can i find free practice act tests?
Visit the official ACT website for incomplete practice tests: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-preparation/english-practice-test-questions.html?page=0&chapter=0
Complete ACT practice tests are available from high school counseling departments and online, including Ace Cookie Tutoring's Facebook group, Parents of Successful ACT Takers
Join our ACT prep Facebook group here: www.facebook.com/groups/actsuccess
Do you tutor the ged?
Yes - all four sections!
Jessyka specializes in the Language Arts & Science Sections, but is successful at tutoring all sections.
Contractors tutor the Math and Social Studies sections online.

Where can i find practice Ged tests?
Visit the official GED website for paid, complete practice tests: https://ged.com/study/ged_ready/
The cost is $6/subject
For free sample GED tests, go to: https://ged.com/study/free_online_ged_test/
To get free, complete GED tests, join Ace Cookie Tutoring's Facebook group, Students Aiming for A's here: www.facebook.com/groups/asforstudents
do you tutor the psat and the sat?
Yes - both!
The PSAT occurs in the fall every year for 10th and 11th grade students, and Ace Cookie Tutoring specializes in both last-minute and long term test prep / studying strategies.
Looking for more information about the PSAT and PSAT test dates? Read our blog!
Jessyka specializes in the Reading, Writing and Language, and Essay portions.
Trying to decide the right strategy for getting the best PSAT or SAT score possible? We can help!
Where can i find practice PSAT and SAT tests?
Visit the official CollegeBoard website for practice PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT10 tests: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/practice/full-length-practice-tests
Visit the official CollegeBoard website for practice SAT tests: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/practice/full-length-practice-tests
do you tutor other professional tests, licenses, certificates, entrance exams, etc?
Yes - just ask!
Test taking strategies are something we can teach everyone, no matter a student's age, grade, or testing type/location/or purpose.
We may not know the material, but we can successfully help you narrow down your answer choices so you have the best chance of selecting the correct answer.
We can also help everyone develop a successful study plan for any type of test.